
A kiosk is a user interface system that provide to access the information, communication or interaction between the user and system. Kiosk is allow to perform a wide range of functions, evolving the self-service system. For instance In mcdonalds shop kiosk may enable users to order in the system and pay the their orders in the kiosk system to avoid the queue.We developed the application based on the internal purpose that is ideal for an software solution that allow the user to manage the machines to access it.

Time comparison between ordering directly to counter and ordering through kiosk system are much vary. so its reduce the man effects. We have developed this application to overcome the user goes directly for the counter to get the packages.An physical system that help us to display an information for an user that allows the user to manage and controll their information in the kiosk. From the kiosk the user now can use the systematic works to get their packages and make an payment for the packages.

Thermal Printing

We have achieved the printing knowledge in the code.It's an milestone for every developer.

Payment Method

We have integrated the payment gateway in the application,That enables the application to be perfect and better for the business process.

High Performance

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Team Management

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Cluster Deployments

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Backups & Snapshots

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

To Avoid queue

User can save their time by using the kiosk system, its reduce the queue line by the performance of kiosk.

Reduce Human effects

Its reduce the time taking for oders from the counter and ordering through kiosk system are varying much which its reduce human effects.

Global Availability

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Team Management

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Cluster Deployments

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Backups & Snapshots

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Global Availabilit

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Team Management

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Cluster Deployments

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Backups & Snapshots

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Global Availabi

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Team Management

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Cluster Deployments

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.

Backups & Snapshots

Crikey blow off chap knackered gosh bobby geeza gormless well, Charles cheeky bugger I cor blimey guvnor hanky panky jolly good.